About Us
Bumblebee Exchange LLC
Bumblebee Exchange LLC was founded by Geoffrey and Alisha, two veterans who share a passion for sports, collectibles, Memorabilia, trading cards, novelties, and much more.
With many years of experience buying and selling trading cards, we know that brand recognition goes along way in the hobby world. To help others expand their brand, we offer custom printed stickers for a variety of uses. From Branded Labels to Custom One Touch Stickers we make products to proudly display your logo on the trading cards you sell and/or collect.
So why Bumblebee Exchange? Well, Alisha has fondly been nicknamed Bumblebee in our family, and being veterans we always went to the exchange (a military store) to get the things we wanted or needed. The name had a ring to it, and was a lot better than Geoffrey's nickname... Yogi, Yogi Exchange, ehh, we will stick with being Bumblebee Exchange.
Thank you for checking out our store, we are excited to offer our services and products to you. If you have any questions please use the button below to contact us.